On Friday, March 28th please join us for a Lenten retreat. Confession at 5:30 followed by a retreat at 6:30 and followed by Pre-sanctified Liturgy
Sunday March 30th we are once again invited to walk in Manchester's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. Please contact Christina Vogel for details by calling, texting or emailing her at 603-686-2092 or mrsvogelchristina@gmail.com. The parade will take place after Divine Liturgy.
Palm Sunday Pysanky Workshop. Christina and Anya Vogel will lead this annual event for children and adults alike.
Great Fast Traditional Guidelines:
No meat or dairy for all of the fast. Fish with a backbone permitted only on Annunciation,
Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday (shellfish allowed). Wine and Olive Oil allowed only on
Weekends and Feast Days.
Great Fast MINIMUM Requirements from the Archeparchy:
Simple Abstinence
The law of simple abstinence forbids the use of meat but permits the use of eggs and dairy
products. All faithful of the Archeparchy who receive the Eucharist are obliged to observe
simple abstinence when prescribed. Abstinence is obligatory on all Wednesdays and Fridays of
the Great Fast.
Strict Abstinence
The law of strict abstinence (fast) forbids the use and consumption of all meat, eggs and dairy
products. All faithful of the Archeparchy who receive the Eucharist are obliged to observe strict
abstinence when prescribed. Strict abstinence (fast) is to be observed in 2025 on Pure Mon.,
March 3 (the first day of the Great Fast), and on Great and Holy Fri., April 18.
Lenten and Holy Week Schedule
Sun. 3/23(10am) Divine Liturgy (11:15) Trustee elections and financial report(s) Luncheon provided by the Ladies Guild
Tues. 3/25 (7pm) Divine Liturgy
Fri. 3/28 (7pm) Presanctified Liturgy with Sokrousty Lenten retreat
Sat 3/29 (9am) Panachyda for Charles Housty, Senior and Mary Housty, and my uncle, Charles Housty, Jr. offered by John Houstey.
Sat 3/29 Divine Liturgy (7pm) Vespers)
Sun. 3/30 (10am) Divine LiturgyMonday, March 31st (7pm) Moleben to the Holy Cross
Fri. 4/4 (7pm) Presanctified Liturgy with Sokrousty
Sat.4/5 (10am) Divine Liturgy(7pm) Vespers)
Sun. 4/6 (10am) Divine Liturgy
Mon., 4/7 (7pm) Moleben to the Holy Cross
Fri., 4/11 (7pm) Presanctified Liturgy with Sokrousty
Sat. 4/12 (10am) Divine Liturgy (11am) cleaning of the church (7pm) Vespers
Sun. 4/13 (10am) Divine Liturgy
Weds. 4/16 (7pm) Stations of the Cross
Thurs 4/17 Holy Thursday (7pm) Passion Matins/Страсна Утреня
Fri. 4/18 Good Friday (3 PM): Good Friday Vespers with the Funeral of Jesus Christ and Procession with the Burial Shroud (Plashchanitsya) to the Tomb with Confessions after Good Friday Services Вечірня з виставленням плащаниці
Good Friday (7 PM): Jerusalem Matins Єрусалимська утреня
Sat. 4/19 Holy Saturday (10 AM): Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (4:00) change of Altar Linens (5 PM): Blessing of Easter Baskets Освячення великодніх кошиків Confessions (5:30 PM – 6 PM):
Sun 4/20 EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES (8:45 AM): Prayer at the Tomb (Nadhrobne) (9 AM): Resurrection Matins
(10 AM): Divine Liturgy for all Parishioners followed by blessing of Easter Baskets
The parish is in need of a good quality laser copier, if anyone knows of a “good deal” please let Fr. Ihor or Deacon Jon know after Divine Liturgy, or reach out during the week. We need this for the weekly bulletin and for simple office items. Thank You!
Deacon Jon and several parishioners will be gathering every Saturday during Lent from 8am until 9am at 24 Pennacook St in Manchester to pray for an end to abortion, all parishioners are invited to join us. If you are unable to make that time, there is a sign up calendar on the 40 Days For Life website where one can sign up for other times, 40daysforlife.com or, one can join spiritually every day by praying for an end to abortion at home. Please reach out to Deacon Jon with any questions.
Lenten Retreat! With Very Reverend Archpriest Bohdan Tymchyshyn, S.T.D, Ph.D.
On Friday, March 28th please join the parish for a Lenten retreat beginning at 5:30 with confession, followed by a retreat at 6:30 and followed by Presanctified Liturgy
Великопісні реколекції у нашій церкві буде проводитиВисокопреосвященний Протоієр Богдан Тимчишин, доктор богослов‘я у п'ятницю, 28 березня, які розпочинаються о 5:30 зі сповіддю, потім а реколекції 6:30.
3-16-2025 Bulletin (pdf)
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Download1-19-25 BULLETIN (pdf)
Download1-12-25 BULLETIN (pdf)
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